Saturday, November 13, 2010

Talking between songs? Does your Gig Crowd care?

"Every band booking is only about the music" 


"Your gig crowd expects and wants some chat in between songs"

Which camp do you and your gigs fall into?

I've played 100's of gigs and worked with too many semi pro and amateur bands not to have a firm opinion on this. 

Give me two bands of the same ability, equipment and genre, pair them with the same crowd and watch what happens.

The band with even just a tiny amount of audience interaction (when it's done in the right way) will win hands down over the "music only" act every time. 

You don't have to recite passages from War and Peace in between every song but you do need to show them you're human and not "up yourself".

Here's a neat post where other musicians discuss talking between songs with their gig crowds. The site itself is one of the best for all kinds of discussions and help for musicians. Worth bookmarking I reckon..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Gareth. I think between song banter is important, and appreciated (when it is coherent, which it often isn't). It's always interesting to hear what the songs are about, too. I'm not great at it myself, but it is something that I am working on.

All the best, Toby