Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Some Gig-Getting Tips I'd agree with...and some I wouldn't

Here's a post I came across recently which has some food for thought for anyone looking for gig-getting tips.

Fill up your touring schedule

The author (Daniel Kohn) advises you to "Take Whatever You Can Get In The Beginning". I think I understand where he's coming from here. I've always advised artists who are starting out gigging that they should consider early gigs as investments, tools to:

1. Gain experience at playing live (and so improve their "art" and their confidence)

2. Get more gigs. Truly, the more people who see you play, the more gigs you're going to get. Unless of course your'e underehearsed (or just plain lousy). Then of course, your live appearances will work on your behalf to prevent you getting further gigs.

One important point here. Although you should take the kind of gigs ( Monday or Tuesday night as DK recommends) in the beginning, and lower fees than you'll accept as time goes by, I wouldn't ever recommend going out for free. it will only make it harder for you to justify your fees later. A discounted or "Trial" price perhaps. But free? Nope.

A second recommendation on the post is to "Personally Deliver Your Demo To Each Venue Booker". OK if you have the time but I would stress you should only ever deliver (or mail) a demo if:

1. The person you mail or hand it to is the one who makes the ultimate decision about whether to hire you
2. This person is expecting your visit or the mail (contact them separately first).

Please feel free to add your own thoughts or comments....

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