Monday, October 26, 2009

Band Bookings, Your Gig Crowds and Twitter

Talking of online marketing (which I was earlier), Twitter is something else a number of bands I work with have started using as part of their promotional repertoire.

I like this guys ideas about asking for requests from fans for an upcoming show via Twitter,

Twitter for musicians

And how about instantly sharing audio and video links to your fans, maybe for example, giving them "sneak previews" so they feel closer to you. As the writer says, you could film your soundcheck with your mobile and let them share some of that experience.

Check Rocking Twitter where another writer sensibly reminds us to keep our Tweeting efforts "all about the fans"....

Easily said of course, but asking the fans questions like "should we play this one at the next gig?" are immediate and gonna get people involved and interested so they may well be worth exploring....

Finally here's a cool list of 10 Top tips for musicians on Twitter

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