Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Can't build a live career without an agent"?

There was a piece in the Guardian here in the UK recently called "Rock n Roll jobs explained".

It talks about the various types of people involved in getting and keeping a live pro act on the road. IN it, Geoff Meall of the Agency Group who represent Muse (amongst others) says:

"You can't build a live career without an agent. You won't get any doors opened"

Obviously it's in Geoff's interest to say this - opening doors to gigs for bands is his business. He is of course right though for pro acts, none of whom will have the time (or probably inclination) to get involved in booking gigs.

Agents can take-over the band bookings hassle for us semi-pro acts as well of course - providing we don't mind surrendering control and of course a % of our income. Bookings though are far from impossible to get for yourself and doors will in fact open for any semi-pro act which commits itself to getting it's own gigs.

Also from the Guardian post - if you're concerned about the number of people you're currently attracting to your gigs, the knowledge that the mighty Oasis pulled 12 punters for the first promoter who got involved with them is enough to give anyone hope for building their own fan base....

How to Get Your own gigs

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