Friday, April 9, 2010

One Special Reason to be Thankful you Get Gigs

Someone asked me to write a piece called "10 Reasons to love gigging" and I'm working on it now. But yesterday's death of Malcom Mclaren gave me another reason I hadn't thought of until I heard the news.

There's a lot of us who were teenagers in the mid/late 1970's and who were hugely influenced by Maclaren bringing to us the Sex Pistols. Most of those people may stop for a moment and think of where they were when they first heard about the Pistols. Me, I was a paprerboy delivering the papers which had the Bill Grundy furore on their covers. 

Over the weekend there'll be some of us who will doubtless quietly toast what Mcalren did for music and the impact this had on us growing up. Those of us who are gigging though are lucky enough to have another option.

For me it's something special that tomorrow night we can dedicate an encore of Anarchy in the UK in MM's memory. Oh, an in case you're wondering what all the fuss was about, check out what Alan McGee (who discovered Oasis) has to say about the guy the NME once called TalcyMalcy

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