Sunday, May 23, 2010

Band Booking - Playing "Support" to a major act (and other online music marketing tips)

Found some neat band promotion ideas from a guy who went from obscurity to supporting people like the Foo Fighters, Chilli Peppers and Metallica.

There's loads of useful stuff on his website but if you're interested in online music marketing Hagop has some good starters.

One key pointer is the suggestion that any new band target the fans/audience of bigger bands of a similar genre. These can be huge signed acts or those with just a slightly bigger following to yours at the moment.

He talks about the need to find where fans of these other bands congregate to talk about the music they love.Whether that be Facebook or Twitter etc. This was you can aim to "divert" some of the attention they're getting - in your direction.

I especially liked his idea about posting your own performances as "Video responses" to large acts videos on youtube.  The writer (Hagop Tchaparian), likens this to playing a band booking outside the venue where a larger act is gigging. 


Here's his website

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