Sunday, January 1, 2012

Your 2012 Band Booking Decision

Last year I remember saying:

The bands I work with that enjoy the most (and quickest) long term success getting gigs are those that spend some time in advance working out a plan of action. 

This plan of action should include what you want to achieve gigs-wise and how you're going get the gigs.

As far as band booking in 2012 goes though, there's something that's actually more important than you having a plan. 

With band booking, what makes the difference between really successful semi-pro bands and the rest, is their desire and commitment to achieve their gig-getting goals. 

Any musician can say they "want to start gigging" or "play live more often". You can spend as much time as you like planning and then pitching your band and act to venues. Without real commitment to succeed no matter what the chances are you'll give in before you get what you want. 

Making the decision that nothing will stop you getting all the band bookings you want is what will keep you motivated through the early part of 2012 while you're finding your gig-getting feet....

Band Booking ebook

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