Friday, May 17, 2013

Band Flyers - Worth the Effort?

how to promote your music with band flyers
How to Promote Your Music?

Band Flyers: Yes or NO?

In the internet age, when any band or musician considers the question "How to promote your music" do they really need to even think about band flyers as part of this?

Traditionally, pre Facebook and website notification days, band flyers formed a key part of any musicians promotional strategy. 

Particularly when it came to publicising any band booking. 

Now though, it seems whether of not to bother using band flyers divides opinion amongst semi-pro musicians across the world.

Band Flyers - The Good

 " I lost count of how many events I've gone to just from passing a flyer or ad letting me know what, where, and when." - US Gig-Goer

The statement above is typical of how positively the right target audience can  respond to band flyers as adverts. Band flyers can be a whole lot cheaper to produce than full size gig posters for example. On size alone, you should be able to get 4 band flyers (A4 size) for every band booking poster with the typical A3 dimensions.

Once you get these band flyers out there, theoretically that's 4 times the exposure for your band.
Band flyers are a very versatile method of publicity in terms of where you can use them. Shoppers at the mall, students at Unis/college campuses lunch-room and your local record store to name just 3.

Maybe even more importantly about how to promote your music with band flyers is this.
You give your potential fans the chance to meet the band in person when you give the band flyers out. Clearly that's never the case with posting a Facebook event or a band booking update on your own website.

Band Flyers - the NOT so Good

Critics of band flyers as an important tool in understanding how to promote your music argue mainly the following.

"All that band flyers do is alert existing fans to an upcoming gig or event".

So ,are they  no use for attracting new fans?

Certainly you'll keep your existing fans abreast of what you're up to and make sure they know about your upcoming band bookings with your flyers. But, are they really so useless at attracting people who've never heard of you? Doesn't that depend on what you say on your band flyers? Who you target with them and how you go about giving them out?

For example, aren't there people who are more likely to go and watch live bands than other people and who may be very interested to learn of an act they've never heard of who are about to play in their town?

Your job in this case might be to target these kind of people with your band flyers.

Band Flyers take too much time and effort

Critics also point to the time and effort involved in distributing band flyers. Here they do have a point as well. If you're going to make the investment required to design, print and distribute your own band flyers, you need to target the right area & people. You also need make sure you really capitalise on the fact that your fans are meeting the band in person.

Ultimately your band flyers may or may not form a useful part of knowing how to promote your music successfully. Even if you don't succeed in significantly increasing your band booking  crowd numbers with them, one thing is certain. Simply by getting your band flyers into people's hands or in front of their eyes you're unavoidably increasing awareness and exposure for your act.

You just better make sure you're saying the right things in the right way when you give them out.

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