Monday, June 29, 2009

Benefits of Gigging instead of golfling?

How about this for a quote from a part-time guitarist/weekend warrior?

"My equipment pays for itself, and this endeavor provides extra cash so that I can take the girls out (GB note: the writer means his daughters here) to eat or to a movie, or pick up a bottle of wine for my special person (who is also a musician) and me, without having to stop at the ATM every other day.

Guitar playing pays for one of my girl’s summer camp and a good share of the groceries. In contrast, I think about guys who pay thousands every year for golf equipment, fees, lessons, etc. I make thousands (not many, but at least a few) each year doing what I love. It’s the best part-time job imaginable."

Good to remember this kind of thing if you ever get grief for staying out late gigging...

Here's the full post with some interesting thoughts about what we semi-pro musicians do.

So you want my "job"?

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