Monday, June 29, 2009

Good news about playing Gigs

Three items of good news in the press caught my eye over the last few days.

1. Buoyed no doubt by the success of this year's Glastonbury event (see pic right from a PRS spokesman has come out and confirmed that:

"Live music is more popular than ever"
and admitted that although consumers are spending less disposable income on recorded music, the share going on live music is rising.

2. Being a musician is one of the top 10 "jobs" LEAST affected by the recession
If you're part-time muso who's a road sweeper or dentist by day you're doubly lucky as those two professions also feature in the top 10 compiled by the Daily Telegraph in the UK

If you're a more mature player here's one especially for you:

3. Taking up a hobby like as guitar playing has been identified by researchers at Warwick University as a "pre-emptive strike" against a mid-life crisis.
Even better if you're being paid to strut your hobby in public..

gig-getter main site

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