Friday, December 16, 2011

3rd Day of Xmas Band Booking Tips

(Image from
While you're looking for ways to improve your band booking success, tip number 3 here is something missed by a lot of musicians.

It applies whether you're gigging already and you want more, or if you haven't yet started playing live.

You might find this hard to believe at the moment - especially if you're facing a Xmas holiday period without any or enough band bookings. The fact is though that once you've learnt the steps for how to get your band booked a few times there's be nothing to stop you completely packing  your gig diary with dates. 

Band booker beware though. If you don't do a little preparation ahead of the game, that's where your trouble can begin.

As a band, you need to agree in advance between you, how much work you want. How many nights a week or month (or year) you want to be out gigging. 

This will do more than give you all a target to focus on and motivate you to get the bookings. As importantly it'll set limits that all band members "sign up to" so that everyone is happy and  gigging doesn't ultimately become a pain and get in the way of other commitments. 

I've worked with enough bands over the years to know that once some band members start complaining about your gigging schedule, or even worse, you have to cancel bookings - your days as a successful live act are numbered....

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