Thursday, December 22, 2011

4th Day of Christmas Band Booking Tips

When you want to increase your band booking success how do you make finding gig venues even easier?

You can check the basics on the link further down but here's a couple of simple extra tips many bands don't think of.

Your aim should to establish a good size list of potential live music venues you'll target. My own band started with 50 prospects but you'll have more (and faster) success if  aim to draw up a list of  100 potential band booking venues.

"No way!" you cry. "I don't even know of 10 places that have live bands on around here!

The trick is to carve up the responsibility for finding venues between band members and areas.

So for 100 venues if there's 4 in your band each has to find 25 venues. Much less strain  than one person being faced with finding 100 venues. 

You can make this even easier still. Designate different towns for each band member to focus on. Join the Facebook pages for "nights out" or "night life" in each of these towns to get abreast of live music venues - as well of course using the techniques mentioned earlier for finding band booking venues.

For solo artists of course, you'll have to do the work yourself but you too can  think about who you know in each town you want to target.  Who amongst your friends or work colleagues might be able to "scout" for you to find even more venues. 

The key point to remember about establishing a long list of venues to target is that band booking is just a numbers game. The more venues you pitch the more gigs you'll get. If you focus on just a small handful of  potential gig venues the tougher you'll make it for yourselves. 

And we all want band booking to be easy don't we?

Band Booking ebook

Band Booking Paperback

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