Saturday, November 7, 2009

If there were Just 1 Essential about Getting a Band Booking

Here it is summed up in a quote this week from an American Blues artist:

"I get asked a lot by other musicians how we get the big gigs. The truth is, I just ask. Sooner or later somebody eventually says yes. It helps to have a great resume but you can’t sit around and hope the phone rings" (my emphasis)

Here's the rest of the interview

Too many musicians complain and bands break up about lack of live work because no-one was prepared to "get out there" (or even get on the phone) and pitch the band. "Just ask" for the gig.

More people are going to say "No" to you than say "Yes". In the beginning that's an undeniable fact. But as long as you're working to a system (i.e saying and doing the right things in the right order) and have a little persistence the gigs will ultimately pile in.

Gig-Getter System here

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