Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Learning How to Get Gigs - the Hidden benefit

A post about how a bassist could get himself more into the spotlight in his band made me realise something about being the band member who gets gigs. You might have discovered for
yourself that if you become the key gig-getter in your band the other band members start to treat you slightly differently.

It can give you a lot more say in the band especially if you're in a traditionally "supporting" role like the bassist in question.

I am of course am allowed to describe bass
as a "supporting" role - I play it.

There's no doubting things changed for me in a big way when I started bringing back all the gigs and a lot of Gig-Getter users email me to say the same.

Here's the post I was talking about earlier if you want more of the spotlight for yourself - by whatever method suits you.

If it's by getting gigs try this:

How to get gigs

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