Monday, December 28, 2009

How to Get Gigs in your Dressing Gown

Unless you don't have other commitments (like a day job or studies) in- between playing live, you probably won't have time to visit venues in person to try and get gigs.

That's why I recommend bands and solo artists use the phone and a newsletter as their offline gig-getting methods.

There's some good stuff in this post below about how to get gigs. Not least of all about never going out for free even when you're just starting out and not getting despondent when venues turn down your approaches as you try to get gigs.
Where I don't agree though is with the writer's recommendation for visiting the venues in person for all your gig-getting efforts. Not only is it expensive to do (your time and transport for example), but it's inefficient. In an hour on the phone you can talk to 15 venues.

How many could you get through the door of?

Not only that of course, but you don't even need to dress, shave or wash when you use the phone or newsletter. Now that's the way I like to work...

Anyhow, here's the post I was talking about

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