Saturday, December 19, 2009

Overcoming Stage Fright Tonight

If you're gigging tonight or over the Christmas period and afraid Stage Fright might spoil it for you here are 3 easy tips you can use straight away.

1. Get in front of a mirror
Just before you strap on the axe and step out go to the toilets/washroom and get in front of the mirror to pull the most ridiculous face or two you can think of. The idea is to make yourself look so crazy you can't take yourself seriously. Ideally you'll want to wait until no-one is next to you to do this of course. It might sound a loony idea if it's new to you but give it a try and it'll surprise you.

2. Talk to yourself before you play Remind yourself the gig is all about the people out front and that you're there to "give" (a good time/night they can't forget) rather than "take" their applause/approval etc.

3. Smile on Stage
This sounds too simple (and maybe even cheesy) to be true but this will make a crowd warm to you far more than desperately trying to look cool. Remember though, there's a difference between flashing someone the occasional smile from the stage and displaying a fixed grin that looks like you've been lobotomised.

Overcoming Stage Fright & Developing Stage Presence

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