Monday, December 7, 2009

Making the most of Gigging

Most of us have played to half-empty venues from time to time and it's true that getting the gig is only half the battle. We all want to make sure we have something that resembles a "crowd" on the night.

Scroll down to the "Live" paragraph via the link below and check out this writer's
"Tell people when you have a gig" approach to getting people in through the door.

Simple but it's all you need.

As far as "Merchandise" is concerned to boost band takings, I suppose even cover artists could sell Tee-shirts or buttons couldn't they?

As the writer says, you need your audience to
"remember you in the morning". A great show with plenty of audience interaction will help create a memorable night for sure. Merchandising though, (which in one sense is getting your audience to advertise for you), can also add some extra financial benefits on top...

Here's another
Audience boosting post from one of the old Gig-Getter blog sites

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