Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Online doesn't have to be the difficult part of your Band Marketing

If, (like a bassist who emailed me recently), you wish the Internet would slow down a little so you "can catch up", you should be interested in the "Perfect Online Marketing Strategy for Musicians" I spotted this week.

Acknowledging that there's always some new technology ready to take your time and focus up (this week it's Twitter for bands while myspace was fashionable a couple of years back) the writer suggests six goals of social media for bands:

1. Reach more people
(Expand your fan base)
2. Keep fans informed

3. Sample your music
(to encourage full purchase - see point below)
4. Sell your music & merchandise

5. Create content that people will want to share
(going viral)
6. Engage your fans
(encouraging them to continue their interest in your band or act)

Helpful as this list if for keeping a band or solo artists focused, the writer's claim that your website will stay at the centre of your online marketing efforts no matter what new technology comes along was pretty reassuring too as far as I'm concerned.

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